IBA CED Hosts Entrepreneurship Summer School for Teens 2024

20th July 2024: The IBA Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) successfully conducted the Entrepreneurship Summer School for Teens 2024 on 20th July 2024 at the IBA Main Campus.

The program commenced on 8th July 2024 with high energy as teens aged 13 to 19 joined to explore and develop their business ideas and continued till 20th July 2024. The summer school emphasized creativity, innovation, and experiential learning, providing hands-on experiences that enhanced participants' understanding of the entrepreneurial process. 

Throughout the program, young entrepreneurs refined and articulated their business concepts more effectively. Their pitches were evaluated by esteemed professionals, including Hamza Abdur Rauf, Co-Founder & CEO of Telemart; Burhan Saiyed, Senior Manager at AARM; Nimra Kamran, Senior Manager at CED; and Azad Ahmed, Manager at CED. The involvement of parents, who witnessed their teens' entrepreneurial journeys and presentations, added to the vibrant atmosphere of the event. 

The program concluded with a certificate distribution ceremony and a showcase of the teens' products and services, followed by a delightful lunch. IBA CED extends its gratitude to the faculty members, guest speakers, CED team members, and cluster coordinators for their valuable contributions to this successful program.

IBA CED Hosts Entrepreneurship Summer School for Teens 2024